Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tramp Stamp

The oryginal tramp stamps

Don't know what a tramp stamp is ? Wikipedia or Urban Dictionary

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bacon And Eggz

"Welcome to the internet ! behold my breakfast tats .... and be amazed"

(Hat tip to Angela)

Modern Primitive

Believe it or not but I found this tat on Wikipedia, it can proudly serve as an epitomy for horrible BM in general.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Tattooing a food item around your armpit area is never a good idea .... 

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Randomness At Its Best

Meet this guy ...

I can see how this happened, he started with some tribal swirling thingy, and noticed that  he gets attention "nice tat ! (douchbag)" . So he thought "Hmm, they seem to like me... maybe I will tat rest of my face with some random shit .... and heey ... maybe one day I will get laid" . 

(Thank you very much for the conttribution Angela )

Friday, January 25, 2008

Son of a ...

Someone needs to clue Ami in to what PETA REALLY does. I'm pretty sure he would be appalled. Especially being an american bulldog owner himself. His partner Chris also owns a pit bull. Spread the word!! The TRUTH about PETA:

Son of a tattoo

Someone needs to clue Ami in to what PETA REALLY does. I'm pretty sure he would be appalled. Especially being an american bulldog owner himself. His partner Chris also owns a pit bull.

Son of a tattoo

Someone needs to clue Ami in to what PETA REALLY does. I'm pretty sure he would be appalled. Especially being an american bulldog owner himself. His partner Chris also owns a pit bull.

Son of a tattoo

Someone needs to clue Ami in to what PETA REALLY does. I'm pretty sure he would be appalled. Especially being an american bulldog owner himself. His partner Chris also owns a pit bull.

Mugshot Tattoo Compilation

As seen on eBaum'sWorld

Zombie Marilyn

It looks more like a Britney, but the guy says it's Marilyn, who am I to argue ...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ooooohhhhh Aaahhhhhh

The booklover in me just went ballistic when I found this pic.

Many more can be found here: The site also has lots of pics of famous people with tats as well. Happy browsing.

new font tattoo

The booklover in me just went ballistic when I found this pic.

new font tattoo

new font tattoo

The booklover in me just went ballistic when I found this pic.

new font tattoo

new font tattoo

The booklover in me just went ballistic when I found this pic.

new font tattoo

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What's up with that?

Check out this firefighter tattoo website that is incredible. It has everything you can imagine sorted into seperate categories. Set some time aside for browsing. You'll need it.

Unfortunatly I did not find anything remotely similar for Law Enforcement. Just a few here and there. This one above was under "patriotic" on a regular gallery. I know there are plenty of cops getting work related tattoos. I've even seen a few of them. So I ask, what's up with that? (Are you really going to let the firefighters show you up?) Someone, build a police site so I can link it!!!!! (and browse of course)

amazing tattoos

Check out this firefighter tattoo website that is incredible.

Unfortunatly I did not find anything remotely similar for Law Enforcement. Just a few here and there. This one above was under "patriotic" on a regular gallery. I know there are plenty of cops getting work related tattoos. I've even seen a few of them.