Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Stephen Dorff Tattoos

Stephen Dorff is a marvelous American movie actor, best known for his role in the movie Backbeat and Blade.

Stephen Dorff has a handful of tattoos which we have spotted on him, including a tiny heart on the back of his right elbow, and the name of his mother "Nancy" on his right forearm.

The actor also has an unknown tattoo design on his right bicep area, and another tattoo design just above his left armpit.

Stephen Dorff Tattoos.

F-hootress of Solitude


We Hoot Your Blog

We're famous on the internet! Four months ago. Awesome.

Bonus owl:

From Otto, done by Elie Falcon in Worcester Ma at The Tattoo Project. I bet people called Otto don't email We Hate Your Blog. Splitters.

Hooter Island

Awesome tattooist submissions from Christopher Bettley

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Chin up!

I love these sad looking old school ladies, from Rachi Brains

Chin up!

I love these sad looking old school ladies, from Rachi Brains


Shauncey Fury

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

buterfly tattoo

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buterfly tattoo

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buterfly tattoo

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Pete Doherty Tattoos

Pete Doherty is an English singer songwriter, known as the frontman for the band entitled Baby Shambles and The Libertines.

Pete Doherty has several tattoos which seem to be a bit random in nature and location, including a tattoo design on his neck of his sons name "Estile" which appears to be "Astile".

Some of his other tattoos include, a heart with an arrow and the letter "K" which stands for "Kate" Moss, who is his ex girlfriend.

He has a mermaid on his right forearm, plus a skull and crossbones tattoo on his inner left forearm, along with "Baby Shambles" on his chest.

Pete Doherty also has a few other tattoos, however they are difficult to see clearly.

Facts about African Tribal tattoo Design

1. There are some African tribal tattoo designs that are drawn to give the wearer protection from dangers. The pattern usually depicts an image that is expected to guard the person from harms throughout life.
2. African tribal scarring did not originate just as body decoration art form. They were drawn so that the wearer can take on a supernatural state, representing qualities that supersede human abilities.
3. The origin of African tribal scarring/tattooing body work dates back to 2000BC. The first few revelations depicted images of Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms.
4. There is a specific African tribal scarring called cicatrisation. It is done by people with too dark skin tone for regular tattoo coloration to appear.

Tribal Tattoo- An Appealing Body Art

Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoo designs have always been an integral part of the tattoo world. A unisex pattern, tribal tattoo art is derived from different tribal regions.

Tribal tattoo designs are undoubtedly the most popular tattoo patterns that have been in existence since ages. Refined and modified over the years, these tattoo patterns are hot favorites of scores of tattoo enthusiasts. Derived from the tribal art and traditions of different tribal regions, the tribal tattoos generally depict abstract or complex patterns that look very fascinating.