Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Different Styles Of Angel Wing BaLi Tattoos

Angel wings tattoos can be done in a wide vareity of places and styles on the body. WHere you choose is really up to you and your own personal choice. After all it is you that will be wearing this tattoo for the rest of your life so it is important to chose a design location and style that you are happy with.

Probably the most tradtional of all angel wing tattoo styles are the feathered wings done ont he upper back or full back. These are typically done in black ink only and a kinds of feathery multi layered effect.
Tribal Tattoo Wings

Another popular option for wings tattoos is to have a more representative image of wings and a little less realistic looking. These tattoos can be done in a tribal tattoo style. Again these typically make use of grayscale and are done in black ink only. Yet don’t let that stop you form adding beautiful colors and more details into your own tattoos.
Angel Wings Tattoos With Accessories

The other form of angel wing tattoos are not the tattoo by itself but instead an inporation of other symbols where angel wings are incorporated. For example a heart with a pair of wings is a very common

You don’t have to be stuck with these choices alone eaither. If you have your own idea of a free form angel wing tattoo design that you like then go for it.
Anything that expresses your own unique individuality can make for a great tattoo.

For example you might want a celtic angel wing tattoo design or something along the lines of a more colorful looking butterfly wings

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